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Avanti Grange Policies
The following statutory and Trust-wide policies and documents can be found (or are referenced) by clicking here.
Accessibility Plan
Anti-Bullying & Cyber Bullying
Behaviour Principles Written Statement
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy
Business Continuity Plan
Careers Guidance
CCTV Policy
Charging and Remissions
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
Children Looked After Policy
Collective Worship Policy
Complaints Policy
Data Breach Procedure
Data Protection
Early Career Teacher Policy
Early Years Foundation Stage – Overall Statement
Equality Policy
Freedom of Information
Home School Agreement
Health and Safety
ICT Acceptable Use
Information Security
Online Safety and Remote Learning
Parent Privacy Notice
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) Curriculum Policy
Physical Intervention and Reasonable Force
Pupil Privacy Notice
Records Management Policy
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Risk Management Policy
Safer Recruitment and Recruitment Selection
School Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions
Subject Access Request
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Uniform Policy Statement
Vaccination Statement
Visitors to School Behaviour Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Whistleblowing Policy – Examinations
Localised Policies
Assessment Marking and Feedback Policy
Pupil Premium
Our intention is that all students, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across the curriculum. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged students to achieve that goal, including progress for those who are already high attainers. We will consider the challenges faced by vulnerable students, such as those who have a social worker and/or might be young carers.
The activity we have outlined in this statement is designed to support their needs, regardless of whether they are disadvantaged or not. Quality first teaching is at the heart of our approach, with a focus on areas in which disadvantaged students require the most support. Educational research proves this has the greatest impact on closing the disadvantage attainment gap and at the same time will benefit the non-disadvantaged students in our school.
Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed below, is the intention that non-disadvantaged students’ attainment will be sustained and improved alongside progress for their disadvantaged peers.
Our approach will continue to be responsive to common challenges and individual needs, rooted in robust diagnostic assessment, not assumptions about the impact of disadvantage. The approaches we have adopted complement each other and help all our students to excel.
“Pupils have excellent attitudes towards learning, to their subject lessons and their wide variety of cross-curricular activities"
Avanti Schools Trust
British Values
The Department for Education has published guidance on promoting British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.
All schools have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
At Avanti Grange, we ensure all pupils within the school have a voice that is listened to. We do this through: communication boxes, pupil surveys, through circle time and through having school Ambassadors. We demonstrate how democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes such as holding elections for our school ambassadors each year. Members are voted for by the pupils. During this time, and during English lessons, children have the opportunity to learn how to argue and defend points of view. Manifestos are displayed to inform the school community of pupil’s points of view in a prominent place within the school.
The Rule of Law
The importance of laws whether they are those that govern the class, the school or the country, are consistently reinforced at Avanti Grange. Our school has ‘Golden Expectations’, which are deeply embedded in our work every day. Our pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.
Individual Liberty
Our children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we provide boundaries for our pupils to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and empowering learning. Our children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely; examples of this can be clearly seen in our e-safety and P.S.H.E. lessons. Whether it is through choice of challenge; of how they record; of participation in our numerous extra- curricular activities – our pupils are given the freedom to make choices. Choice brings future happiness.
Mutual Respect
Respect is one of the core values of our school and it is deeply embedded in all that we do at the school. The pupils know and understand that it is expected and imperative that respect is shown to everyone – old and young, whatever differences we may have and to everything, however big or small. The core value of respect underpins our work every day both in and out of the classroom and in and out of the school.
Tolerance of Those With Different Faiths And Beliefs
‘The highest result of education is tolerance.’
Helen Keller
Avanti Grange School enhances pupils understanding of different faiths and beliefs through religious education studies; PSHE work; visits to other schools in different settings to participate in celebrations such as Diwali and Easter, welcoming visitors from other schools and communities and enjoying a depth of study during themed weeks. Beliefs, traditions and customs are studied in depth, with visitors being invited in to our school to enrich and extend our children’s and our community’s understanding. Through this our pupils gain a deep understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and of their place in our global community.
At Avanti Grange we believe that all children should develop their individual potential. However, we also recognise that some students may experience difficulties on their journey. We work together with parents/carers and family members to ensure that each child is viewed holistically in order to best meet their needs. We also work with a range of agencies such as the speech and language service and educational psychology service to best support our students.
What are Special Educational Needs?
Special Educational Needs or SEND means that a child has needs that are different from or additional to the majority of children of their age and that they may need extra help at school to achieve their full potential. This could be for a number of reasons and we will support these needs in a variety of ways.
What is a Disability?
Under the ‘Equality Act 2010’ a disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities. At Avanti Grange, we aim to consider the individual needs of each child and work together to provide the correct support.
What to do if you have a concern about your child?
If your child is already at our school, you can contact your child’s class teacher or tutor who can liaise with our team. You can also contact us directly.
Links to SEND Policies & Documents
Please click here to read our SEND Offer
Please click here to read our Accessibility Plan
More to follow
Parental Support
Need extra support as parents of SEND children? Please click the link to Hertfordshire Information, Advice and Support
More information can be found by following the links below
Hertfordshire Local Authority Local Offer can be accessed here:
For more information on the new SEN Code of Practice please see:
Please see the DfE publication “Special Educational Needs and Disability a Guide for Parents and Carers, August 2014”:
The NASEN website also has many useful publications:
Annual Accounts
Click on the button below to read our annual accounts.
an education that's
Reimagining the purpose of education
Equality Objectives
Strive to achieve equality of opportunity for all, adults and pupils, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, religious belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic background.
Promote a harmonious environment (social cohesion)
Strive for all pupils to achieve the highest possible standards in their learning and make good progress and to be committed to closing the gaps in progress and attainment.
Ensure that the appointment of staff is in line with equal opportunities legislation
Ensure that the governing body of the school reflects diversity
Identify barriers to learning and participation and provide appropriately to meet a diversity of needs
To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through daily teaching, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity.